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Irene Hirano Daniel Inouye Married in Beverly Hills

Irene Hirano Daniel Inouye got married in California nearly 4 months after the couple engaged since the end of January! Irene Hirano, President & CEO of Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, and Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye, the 3rd most senior member of the Senate, wed in a private ceremony in Beverly Hills, California on Saturday May 24!

Irene Hirano Daniel Inouye picture
Irene Hirano & husband Daniel Inouye attended at the 65th anniversary of the famed 442nd Regimental Combat Team this April in Waikiki, Hawaii. (Photo source: Hawaii.com)

The wedding of Irene Hirano, who wore a white suit, and Daniel Inouye, 83,  dressed in a dark suit, took place at All Saints' Episcopal Church, with only the immediate family members attended. Jennifer Hirano, Irene's only daughter, was her mother's maid of honor and Daniel's son, Ken Inouye, was served as the best man. Following the wedding ceremony, the newly-weds immediately departed for Carmel, California, for their honeymoon.

“This is a glorious day for both Irene and I, as we start a new chapter in our lives. Our work keeps us quite busy, but the time we spend together and even our chats on the phone give a special richness to our lives. I am most fortunate to have as my partner a beautiful, accomplished, intelligent, and worldly woman.” Senator Inouye said in a press release on Saturday. “

Congrats! Source