Dearest family and friends of Fr. Tom:
It is with deep sadness and sorrow that I write this final installation of updates on Fr. Tom for this website. I cannot even begin to express the grief that I feel, let alone the grief that his family is enduring. The tears that flow from my eyes are difficult to bear as is the burden of the pain that weighs down heavily upon me. I can sense yours as well. Know that Fr. Tom is with us to give solace and comfort. Also know that every ounce of strength left in me will be expended in prayer on your behalf.
Let us grieve and celebrate the life of our dearly beloved friend and priest. Please join me and the Dominican community next week for the following services at Blessed Sacrament Church:
Vigil Service (Office of the Dead and the Rosary) Tuesday, January 27 at 7:00 PM
Funeral Mass Wednesday, January 28 at 10:00 AM
Blessed Sacrament Church 5041 9th Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98105
I remain always yours in Christ,