To be fair, I am not sure we can actually say the rude people in the video are teachers. There are all types of leftist at the pro-union rallies.
However, what cannot be in dispute are the statistics.
Reason TV: It's little wonder that parents with little or no choice report the lowest-levels of satisfaction (about 90 percent of K-12 students attend public schools). Despite all the extra resources devoted to public school teachers and students, student achievement has been absolutely flat over the past 40 years. The National Assessment of Educational Progress is "the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas." When it comes to 17-year-old students (effectively, high-school seniors), nothing has changed since reporting began in the early 1970s. In 1971, 17-year-old students averaged 285 points (out of 500) in reading. In 2008, that had risen to 286. For math in 1973, the average score was 304 (out of 500). In 2008, it was 306.This is why teacher's unions are about to become the whipping boy all across the nation. No matter what excuse teacher's unions come up to justify their salaries, it is the mediocre product they produce that will cause them to fail under these tight economic times.
How do you justify so much money for absolutely no change?
Via: Memeorandum
Via: Hit and Run