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Blatant Bias: Why the GOP nominee had better be a real street fighter

I want to call your attention to an actual headline on CNN today.

Yes this is an actual headline on CNN Money today. If you click through to the article, the rest of if is as equally partisan. In 2008 the media came out of the ideological closet to help get Obama elected. In 2012, I fully expect them to operate openly like the communications arm of the White House. They will not hide their intentions and they will be all crazy kinds of unfair.

This is why time and time again on this blog, I have stated that what Sarah Palin has endured these three years will be standard operating procedure for the GOP nominee. It does not make one bit of difference if our nominee is Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin herself. The media will do their best to trash the nominee any way they can.

So as you go about picking your favorites from the potential candidates, make damn sure the person you are picking knows how to take a punch and give it right back in equal measure. In 2012 wimpy Republicans need not apply.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: CNN Money