I do not plan to post endlessly, or even anymore, on the whole Corapi mess because I think one very quickly crosses a moral line speaking and writing about these things, taking an obsessive and prurient interest in such matters and urging others to do so, thus creating a kind of tabloid culture in the
ekkelsia. However, there is one
take on this matter that I think merits drawing some attention to- that of Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona, Minnesota, who, unlike myself and others, actually has some expertise he can bring to bear on yesterday's announcement:
John Corapi, aka "The Black Sheep Dog,". Bob offers some very worthwhile insights to anyone who has an interest in this matter, especially those who, understandably, want to defend "The Black Sheep Dog".
Deacon Bob, who works in the field of mental health, wrote- "From only reading the text of his statement it strikes me of a man who has a wounded pride. He seems to be lashing out, and seeing
himself in some way now as the defender of truth in the world. He doesn’t actually say that, but it leaves that impression in my mind." Bob is one of the most faithful and gracious people I know. As I always, I appreciate his wisdom, prudence, and charity.
Deacon Bob also took the time to post an thoughtful comment regarding my last post, as have several others, like Bill Ditewig, who urges us not to forget the great disappointment, hurt, and potential disillusionment on the part of many who have followed Corapi over the years. A pastoral concern that I certainly share.
St. Isidore of Seville (proposed patron saint of the internet) and St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.