I thought it was kind of a odd choice for someone who wants to claim the TEA Party mantle. Well today, Ed Rollins takes a swipe at Palin and proves to me that he will be a very odd fit with Bachmann.
Politico: Michele Bachmann's new top consultant, Ed Rollins, began his tenure with scathing criticism of potential Bachmann rival Sarah Palin.
"Sarah has not been serious over the last couple of years," Rollins told Brian Kilmeade on his radio show, Kilmeade and Friends. "She got the Vice Presidential thing handed to her, she didn't go to work in the sense of trying to gain more substance, she gave up her governorship."
He suggested that the contrast would favor Bachmann.
"Michele Bachmann and others [have] worked hard, she has been a leader of the Tea Party which is a very important element here, she has been an attorney, she has done important things with family values."
"She is probably the best communicator [in the GOP field] now that Mike Huckabee's not in there," he said.If Rollin's strategy is to elevate Bachmann by stepping on Palin, then I am afraid that Bachmann's 2012 chances are ruined before they begun.
Rollins has long been skeptical of Palin, but his new role with Bachmann suggests that criticism will become part of her campaign, though she has publicly praised the former Alaska governor.
While it is true that Bachmann and Palin share the many of the same voters, Palin's fans are beyond fiercely loyal. Should Palin not run, these Palin fans will beat a path to Herman Cain rather than support a Republican who condoned bashing Palin.
Rollin's strategy also shows he is clueless about how Bachmann matches up to Palin. If any of these early polls are to be believed, then it should be obvious to Rollins that Palin has the greater support among the base, because Palin consistently polls higher than Bachmann. Again, how does it serve Bachmann?
It is almost like Rollins want Palin and Bachmann voters to make their choices now rather than later. That will certainly happen if Palin fans feel that their gal is under attack. I cannot see how that ends well for Bachmann.
If I were Bachmann I would can this clown immediately and in the most public way. Keeping Rollins on will only doom her chances with the very people who would be her most enthusiastic supporters.
Via: Memeorandum
Via: The Daily Caller
Via: Politico