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John Edward's mug shot

CNN: Former U.S. Senator John Edwards, pleaded not guilty to conspiracy and campaign law violations in early June. His mug shot was obtained by CNN following a Freedom of Information Act request.
The plea came after a federal grand jury indicted him on six counts, including conspiracy, issuing false statements and violating campaign contribution laws.
A grand jury has been investigating whether money given to support Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter, by benefactors of Edwards should have been considered campaign donations, a contention Edwards' team has disputed.
A plea deal between the two-time presidential candidate and the U.S. Justice Department fell apart over the the Department's requirement that Edwards serve jail time. Wanting to have "minimal" impact on his two younger children, the former senator refused to agree.
Is this guy a narcissistic tool or what? Who smiles for a mug shot? Just think this clown almost hoodwinked the American public into voting for him for vice president. If the Lamestream media put Democrats under the same microscope as they do Sarah Palin, this clown would have been found out before John Kerry picked him. Heck if the media did their job the current clown in chief would still be back in Chicago.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: CNN