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The New Hampshire Debates - What will you be looking for?

Tonight CNN is hosting the Republican debate in Manchester New Hampshire.  The field will include Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann,  Ron Paul,  and Rick Santorum.

Here is what I will be looking for:

Herman Cain:  I want to see how Cain handles himself with Bachmann and Romney in the mix.  Right now Cain is the strongest declared conservative.  He is way out ahead of both Bachmann and Santorum.  In the last debate, Cain easily out shined Santorum and establishment favorite Pawlenty.  Can Herman do it again with Romney and Bachmann in the field?

Michele Bachmann:  I want to see how she handles the debate and matches up against Herman Cain.  Of course I am dying to see how she will handle the inevitable Palin/ Rollins debacle. Her response will be quite telling.

Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty: This should be the source of all the friction in this debate.  Romney is the front runner thus far so all the others will try to knock him down.  Pawlenty has a lot to gain by knocking off Romney so I expect he will be throwing the most elbows.

CNN's behavior:  CNN is no friend to conservatives.  They have had plants in some of their past debates.  I suspect they will be extra unfriendly to both Cain and Bachmann.  Let's watch and see just how much bias CNN  exhibits tonight.

Newt Gingrich: I will be watch this clown purely for entertainment value.  I cannot imagine him saying anything that could resurrect his disastrous campaign.  Look for CNN to ask Newt all the ugly questions.

What will you be watching for in this debate?  Sound out.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: CNN