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Obamneycare! Killing two birds with one stone

Tim Pawlenty has coined a new phrase that I think may very well catch on.
CNN: (CNN) - Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty stepped up his attacks on Mitt Romney Sunday, labeling the current health care law "Obamneycare" for its similarities to the plan instituted in Massachusetts while Romney was governor.
"President Obama said that he designed 'Obamacare' after 'Romneycare' and basically made it 'Obamneycare," Pawlenty said on "Fox News Sunday."
The former Minnesota governor previously tiptoed around criticism of Romney's health care plan and the new attack line is the most direct shot at his rival. The two will meet for the first time on a debate stage Monday in New Hampshire.
"The president's own words is that he patterned in large measure 'Obamacare' after what happened in Massachusetts," Pawlenty said. "What I don't understand is they both continue to defend it."[MORE]
That was a very good phrase for Pawlenty to come up with. I have a feeling we will be hearing Obamneycare a lot more. This just might be the break Pawlenty is looking for.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: CNN