Okay, today I got the bright idea to update my blog template because Καθολικός διάκονος has had the same look for a year now. Well, it was a failed experiment that ultimately forced me to delete my blog and start over again. Even though I back my blog up as a
.xml file at least every month and usually more frequently, some elements were irretrievably lost, like my list of people who read my blog.
Every failure is an opportunity to start again. So, I urge all my long-time readers and any new readers to
"Follow" Καθολικός διάκονος. I refer to it as my list of people who encourage me. I guess like Paul, I only urge people to follow me to the extent I follow Christ and I am very certain I am not nearly the disciple Paul was (
1 Cor. 11:1). I invite you join me on this on-going journey of faith, hope, and love.