The blistering hypocrisy of Michael Moore - Part 352
The thing I absolutely cannot stand about the blistering hypocrisy of wealthy socialism peddlers like Michael Moore, is that they used the ladder of capitalism to climb to dazzling heights. Once there, they want to yank away that ladder from the rest of us and then hand us the rickety rope of socialism. There is only one word to describe this behavior and that is selfishness.
We all know damn well that if these zany redistribution of wealth schemes were ever enacted the way Moore suggests, his selfish lard ass would be one of the first to hide and protect his own fortune.
If Michael Moore wants to convince me or anyone else of this "finite money" theory and the need to share, then he needs to start writing some really big checks to the U.S. Treasury. If Moore isn't willing to do that, then he needs to find a quite corner somewhere and start eating a really big STFU salad!
Via: The Blaze
Michael Moore,