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WaPo & NYT to The Palin Haters: All Hands On Deck!

Tomorrow the state of Alaska will release over 24,000 emails from Sarah Palin's yahoo account. To say the left is salivating at the chance to find/ make up new dirt on Palin would be an understatement. So rabid is their hatred for Palin both the Washington Post and The New York Times are asking their readers to help in the muckraking (mudslinging).
The New York Times: On Friday, the State of Alaska will release more than 24,000 of Sarah Palin’s e-mails covering much of her tenure as governor of Alaska. Times reporters will be in Juneau, the state capital, to begin the process of reviewing the e-mails, which we will be posting on NYtimes.com starting on Friday afternoon.
We’re asking readers to help us identify interesting and newsworthy e-mails, people and events that we may want to highlight. Interested users can fill out a simple form to describe the nature of the e-mail, and provide a name and e-mail address so we’ll know who should get the credit. Join us here on Friday afternoon and into the weekend to participate.
The Washington Post: Over 24,000 e-mail messages to and from former Alaska governorSarah Palin during her tenure as Alaska's governor will be released Friday. That's a lot of e-mail for us to review so we're looking for some help from Fix readers to analyze, contextualize, and research those e-mails right alongside Post reporters over the days following the release.
We are limiting this to just 100 spots for people who will work collaboratively in small teams to surface the most important information from the e-mails. Participants can join from anywhere with a computer and an Internet connection.
The Washington Post appears to have jumped the shark a little too much. The blistering response from the reader's comments has forced them to drop the idea of hand picking their Palin Haters. WaPo will instead follow the New York Times model.

This method of using readers to dig dirt is actually called crowd sourcing. It is a method of mine data. What I want to know is why didn't the New York Times or the Washington Post employ this method on something that is truly vital to America like the 3,000 pages of ObamaCare. We all know no one in Washington read that monster before it passed. Yet, here are two supposedly legitimate newspapers getting a mob together to create a Palin Hating gang bang. The whole thing reeks of media bias and fascism to me.

One thing for sure, Sarah Palin's greatest strength is that she generates so much hate from the left, that they are willing to drop all their phony veneers of compassion, tolerance, objectivity, you name it just to smear her. This unmasking will only work in her favor.

You know what would serve The Washington Post and The New York Times right? If everyone who likes Palin or who hates media bias read the emails and just draw attention to the nice ones. You know point out emails where Palin says something nice to her kids or shares a recipe or does something for a constituent. We should flood both papers with a gazzion tips on how wonderful Palin is. Make both newspapers sift through more tips than the actual number of emails just to find the dirt they are looking for. Hey, in these tough economic times, if we have to work like dogs to make a living, shouldn't the folks at WaPo and the Times have to do the same?

By the way, make sure to check out the comment at The Washington Post, they are blistering