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Tyler Clementi’s Suicide: Another warning sign our youth are in trouble

The New York Times:   It started with a Twitter message on Sept. 19: “Roommate asked for the room till midnight. I went into molly’s room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay.”
That night, the authorities say, theRutgers University student who sent the message used a camera in his dormitory room to stream the roommate’s intimate encounter live on the Internet.
And three days later, the roommate who had been surreptitiously broadcast — Tyler Clementi, an 18-year-old freshman and an accomplished violinist — jumped from the George Washington Bridge into the Hudson River in an apparent suicide.
The Sept. 22 death, details of which the authorities disclosed on Wednesday, was the latest by a young American that followed the online posting of hurtful material. The news came on the same day that Rutgers kicked off a two-year, campuswide project to teach the importance of civility, with special attention to the use and abuse of new technology. [MORE]
As time passes the focus of Tyler Clementi’s suicide will no doubt become homophobia. Unfortunately, there is so much darker stuff going on in this tragic episode.  For starters, how is it possible to two young people (Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei) could make it to 18 years of age without the most rudiment sense of empathy or even a basic respect for privacy? The two students thought watching someone’s intimate sexual contact was a fun prank rather than a creepy perverted act of voyeurism.

There is something terribly wrong with some of the children of today.  It is almost like they have no compassion for anyone other than themselves.  Think back to that video where that young man Darrion Albert was killed in a street fight.  Those teens savagely tore into each other without any regard for the damage they were inflicting on another human being.

I think back to my own youth.  I did all the naughty things little boys do, fights, pranks and even some bullying.  However, there was something inside me that kept me from going to where children go today.  What that something was, I do not know. Maybe it was fear of my parent’s retribution or perhaps it was the seeds of the Golden Rule implanted by my church.  Whatever the case,  the knowledge that I was harming another human being would stop me from fighting to the death, playing a prank that destroyed someone’s soul or bullying someone to the point of madness.

Tyler Clementi himself makes me wonder.  I understand what happened to him was humiliating to the nth degree. However, was it really so damaging that he needed to end his life? Why didn’t the ideas of dropping out or transferring from Rutgers occur to him?  What was it that made Clementi feel his live was damaged beyond the point of recovery?

Whatever the answers are, I think it is beyond time we all began to focus on what our current society is doing to our children. I fear something is terribly amiss.

Histórias da Casa Branca: E depois da hecatombe?

Texto publicado no site de A BOLA, secção Outros Mundos, a 30 de Setembro de 2010:

E depois da hecatombe?

Por Germano Almeida

«Já não restam grandes dúvidas de que as intercalares de Novembro vão ditar uma verdadeira hecatombe eleitoral para os democratas. Os sinais vão sendo cada vez mais preocupantes para o partido que apoia o Presidente – e só falta mesmo saber se a viragem política no Congresso será total ou se o Partido Democrata ainda conseguirá aguentar, à tangente, o domínio do Senado.

Na Câmara dos Representantes, basta fazer contas para se perceber que a mudança é já uma certeza: os republicanos vão recuperar a maioria na House e Nancy Pelosi terá que conceder o seu posto de "speaker" a John Boehner.

Por estes dias, a frase mais repetida por políticos e analistas nos EUA é a de que o momento está muito complicado para Barack Obama. Se olharmos para os números da Taxa de Aprovação do Presidente (que recentemente bateram num fundo de 42 por cento) e dos diversos combates que se preparam para Novembro – com os candidatos democratas em risco de perderem duelos que, numa situação normal, facilmente ganhariam – temos que concluir que essa frase é quase indesmentível.

Mais do que sublinhar o óbvio, importa, por isso, antecipar o que poderá acontecer depois de Novembro. Historicamente, as “midterms” têm sido momentos charneira nos mandatos presidenciais. Como o próprio nome indica, elas marcam a metade um percurso de quatro anos – e são o barómetro mais objectivo para se medir o sentimento do eleitorado em relação ao rumo que está a ser seguido.

A probabilidade de uma enorme derrota eleitoral para os democratas será um sério aviso à Administração Obama. Mas ao contrário do que muitos começam já a anunciar, mais uma vez de forma precipitada, ela não significará o falhanço de um segundo mandato para Obama.

Pôr as coisas em perspectiva
Antes de seguir o ruído, convém olhar para a história política americana, para que possamos pôr as coisas em perspectiva. Em 1982, o Partido Republicano perdeu as intercalares para o Congresso, no auge da Reaganismo. Dois anos depois, Ronald Reagan não só foi reeleito como conseguiu uma das maiores maiorias presidenciais da história americana: 58.8 por cento do voto popular, 525 Grandes Eleitores, 49 estados ganhos (só perdeu em Washington D.C. e no Minnesota).

Em 1994, Bill Clinton estava a meio do seu primeiro mandato presidencial. Aparecia em Washington como um jovem Presidente vindo de um pequeno estado do Sul (o Arkansas), com uma agenda progressista em questões como o aborto ou os direitos das minorias.

Os seus dois primeiros anos na Casa Branca acicataram as hostes conservadoras – em níveis de hostilidade que, nalguns aspectos, fazem lembrar os imensos problemas que Obama hoje enfrenta.

A «Revolução Republicana», liderada por Newt Gingrich, com o seu «Contrato com a América», parecia ter dado uma machadada fatal no que faltava da Presidência Clinton, vista pela forte ala conservadora como «demasiado divisiva e liberal» para os EUA.

Mas, tal como acontecera no início da década de 80, também nos anos 90 uma grande derrota nas intercalares não implicou a perda da reeleição ao presidente em funções. Em 1996, Bill Clinton bateu o republicano Bob Dole com facilidade – ainda que não tenha atingido a maioria absoluta do voto popular.

Clinton foi reeleito porque soube corrigir a tempo o foco da sua agenda presidencial. Forçou o diálogo com o Congresso e quando não o conseguiu ficou patente que a força de bloqueio estava no campo republicano – e que era o Presidente quem tinha o rumo certo que levou ao crescimento económico.

Agarrar o centro
A chave para se perceber a segunda fase do primeiro mandato presidencial de Obama está aí: em saber se Barack conseguirá agarrar o centro.

O caso de Obama é um pouco diferente do de Clinton. Ironicamente, Barack partiu com uma maioria presidencial muito superior às duas vitórias de Bill. Mas o centro político que Clinton soube conquistar durante a sua presidência foi, precisamente, aquilo que Obama deixou escapar nestes dois anos.

O dilema de Obama vê-se em questões chave como a Reforma da Saúde. A aprovação da Health Care Bill foi, talvez, a principal conquista da primeira metade da Administração Obama. O problema é que continua a ser impopular – de tal modo que, nesta campanha para o Congresso, alguns candidatos democratas se demarcaram do ObamaCare, receando perder votos com uma reforma que ainda assusta tanta gente na América.

Antecipar 2012
Ainda está por apurar a verdadeira extensão do desastre para os democratas: se perderem as duas câmaras do Congresso, estaremos perante uma hecatombe equiparável a 1994.

Mas as contas no Senado ainda beneficiam o partido de Obama, sobretudo depois da nomeação republicana de Christine O’Donell no Delaware – um facto inesperado, que terá oferecido o lugar, de bandeja, a Chris Coons e torna provável a manutenção de 51 senadores para os democratas.

Seja qual for a dimensão da derrota, Obama está já a preparar a melhor estratégia para 2012. E o seu maior trunfo será o arranque a sério da recuperação económica.

Nas últimas semanas, a equipa económica que rodeou o Presidente nos últimos dois anos sofreu alterações de fundo. Primeiro foi Christina Romer, chefe dos conselheiros económicos de Obama, a anunciar a sua intenção de abandonar Washington, para voltar a dar aulas em Berkeley.

Mais recentemente, foram confirmadas as saídas de Peter Orszag, o homem forte do Orçamento, e Larry Summers, conselheiro económico nacional e um dos mentores dos megaplanos de recuperação e reinvestimento aprovados, a muito custo, no Congresso, nos primeiros meses da Administração Obama.

Summers deixará a Casa Branca até ao final do ano, para retomar o seu posto universitário em Harvard. Nos corredores de Washington, fala-se também da saída do secretário do Tesouro, Tim Geithner, no primeiro trimestre do próximo ano.

O cenário está, por isso, montado: Obama iniciará uma mudança de rota na sua agenda económica. Se a isto juntarmos a saída de Rahm Emanuel da chefia de gabinete da Casa Branca (será candidato à câmara de Chicago), tudo parece indicar que a segunda metade desta administração será marcada por um maior enfoque num «reach across the aisle» – em conseguir estabelecer o diálogo com o outro lado da barricada.

A grande questão nos próximos dois anos resume-se a isto: com os republicanos a controlarem o Congresso muito em breve, Obama terá que forçar a barra, responsabilizando o adversário, se este não quiser cooperar. Os americanos não gostam de «complainers» e de quem só destrói e não sabe construir.

Se o comportamento dos republicanos continuar a ser de bloqueio permanente, a bola poderá voltar a ficar do lado do Presidente. Os próximos meses em Washington prometem ser muito interessantes.»

Há quase dois anos, Obama no debate das primárias no New Hampshire

Sign of the times: Fed require NYC to change all street signs

As some on the left scoff at the right’s complaints about unfunded federal mandates and the need for greater 10th Amendment protection, I offer up Exhibit A.  This is how the Feds cause states to bust their budgets.
New York Daily News: The city will change the lettering on every single street sign - at an estimated cost of about $27.5 million - because the feds don't like the font.
Street names will change from all capital letters to a combination of upper and lower case on roads across the country thanks to the pricey federal regulation, officials said Wednesday.
By 2018, MADISON AVE. will become Madison Ave. and will be printed in a font called Clearview, the city Department of Transportation says.
The Federal Highway Administration says the switch will improve safety because drivers identify the words more quickly when they're displayed that way - and can sooner return their eyes to the road.
Still, several city residents were OUTRAGED.
The city has about 250,000 signs, and it costs about $110 to replace one, the DOT says. Officials said the new signs will have improved reflectivity and clarity for nighttime drivers. […]
The changes are among many in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices that regularly changes to improve road safety, highway administration spokesman Doug Hecox said. The mixed upper- and lowercase rule was adopted in 2003, but municipalities were given until 2018 to comply completely, Hecox said. [MORE] 
New York City is currently running a $4 billion deficit for fiscal year 2009-2010 and the state needs to close a $47 billion budget gap.  In a sane and orderly world, New York should be able to decide if and when something like street sign changes are necessary and affordable. 

Sooner or later, states must exert their rights to determine when and where money is to be spent. Otherwise the wasteful spending disease from Washington will continue to spread.

Via: Reuters

ObamaCare strikes again? McDonalds may drop health plan

Those of us who fought against ObamaCare knew stuff like this was coming down the pike.  The Wall Street Journal has a story up saying McDonalds may have to dump the health plan for its 30,000 hourly employees because of cost.
WSJ: Trade groups representing restaurants and retailers say low-wage employers might halt their coverage if the government doesn’t loosen a requirement for “mini-med” plans, which offer limited benefits to some 1.4 million Americans.
The requirement concerns the percentage of premiums that must be spent on benefits.
While many restaurants don’t offer health coverage, McDonald’s provides mini-med plans for workers at 10,500 U.S. locations, most of them franchised. A single worker can pay $14 a week for a plan that caps annual benefits at $2,000, or about $32 a week to get coverage up to $10,000 a year.
Last week, a senior McDonald’s official informed the Department of Health and Human Services that the restaurant chain’s insurer won’t meet a 2011 requirement to spend at least 80% to 85% of its premium revenue on medical care.
Everybody is now coming out saying that the Wall Street Journal story is not true (well sort of). What McDonald’s and Health and Human Services aren’t denying is that they are talking about the effects (i.e. waivers) of ObamaCare.

Right now, no one wants to admit the ill effects of ObamaCare, however reality will sooner or later make this a moot point.  The government simply cannot set one size fits all rules for something as expensive as health care and expect that everyone can easily comply.  To make matters worse,  ObamaCare’s low penalty makes dumping employee’s health coverage for more cost effective than supplying coverage.

 For more info on this story check out the Weekly Standard and then follow the discussion on Memeorandum.

Meg vs. The Maid

I just got though reading about Meg Whitman’s alleged "illegal alien maid" problem and I have to say something doesn’t pass the smell test.  

The maid is basically claiming that work at Meg’s was a living hell (a $23 per hour living hell) and that Whitman knew she was illegal. The maid also claims she was kicked to the curb last year when Whitman decided to run for governor. Whitman has fired back saying the maid is “full of it” and has released the maid’s application and documentation (SS card and Calif driver’s license).

The maid’s (Nicky Diaz Santillan) story reads like it was written for maximum effect. Even the sob story about the extra chores she had to do. 

Never mind that on her application the extra chores she complains about are checked as things she would do.

The only part in the maid’s story I can take seriously is the notification from Social Security back in 2003 saying there was a problem with her Social Security number.  Should proof of this come out, bye-bye Meg Whitman.  Without it, I would have to say the whole thing is manufactured for political reasons.

The guys at Hillbuzz have seen this ploy before:
[…]Because what the Democrats are doing to Meg Whitman in California today is exactly what Obama did to Republican candidate Jack Ryan in 2004…manufacturing a scandal so that Republicans will abandon a candidate and allow a Democrat to walk away with an election in a cake walk…in election that Democrat would have actually lost.
Gloria Allred is having a press conference today with a Mexican maid who’s claiming she was abused by Meg Whitman.  The goal for Democrats here is two-fold:
(1) to alienate Hispanic voters from the Republicans
(2) to portray Whitman as a Leona Helmsley-grade wealthy tyrant that’s unrelatable to voters suffering financial problems
Democrats excel at the politics of personal destruction because this is the only thing they know.
I could not agree more. Just read Santillan's tear jerker testimony and it sure enough fits the Democrats two goals perfectly. 
Until proof comes out showing Whitman received and then ignored Social Security's letters, I am taking Ms. Santillan’ story with a very huge grain of salt.
Via: Hillbuzz 

Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. archangels

"'You will see greater things than this.' And he said to him, 'Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man'" (John 1:47-51).

Each year it is my joy and privilege to assist on this great feast in commissioning the choristers (two of whom are my daughters) of The Madeleine Choir School, those who sing in the Sts. Cecilia, Gregory, and Nicholas Choirs, for another year of service at The Cathedral of the Madeleine, where I am privileged to serve. It is fitting that a deacon leads them in the promises they make to serve Christ, the King, putting their muscial gifts and training at the service of worshipping Almighty God.

That's a wrap for September 2010! Friday, 1 October is the beginning of rosary month.

WTF? NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg to address House GOP

It seems that there are a few Republicans in the GOP who think Mike Bloomberg has something important to say.
The Hill [emphasis mine]: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is scheduled to meet with House Republicans on Thursday.
The GOP’s invitation to the Republican-turned-Independent is an unusual move. Bloomberg, who supports gun control, recently criticized Republicans for their handling of a bill for 9/11 responders and has endorsed several Democrats in the midterm elections.[...]
“Theme Team” organizer Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) explained that Bloomberg was asked to appear because he is a leader outside the Washington Beltway whom GOP lawmakers want to talk to. The point of the weekly Theme Team meetings is to give House GOP lawmakers and staffers a chance to have off-the-record conversations with key outsiders on important issues.
I would love to ask these GOP beltway insiders, why they find Mike Bloomberg a better "key outsider" than say; Sarah Palin or Jan Brewer.  Both of those women are outside the beltway, both women are key players outside the beltway and both women have a message that the GOP really needs to hear and understand for 2010 and forward.
The other thing I would love to know is who is paying for these meetings?  If it is us, the abused taxpayers, then I say this is one of the first things the GOP nixes to keep its pledge about shrinking government.  We cannot afford it financially nor can we afford it ideologically.  Read this part:
A Kingston aide explained that Bloomberg was booked months ago for Thursday’s meeting.
Kingston spokesman Chris Crawford said the point of the Theme Team is to “bring outside ideas in” to Capitol Hill. Crawford added that Democrats have addressed the conference before, though most of the guests are Republican.
CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski and former Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-Fla.), Dr. Patch Adams and former Secretary of State Colin Powell are among the recent guests, according to Crawford. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and John Podesta, who served as President Clinton’s chief of staff, have also met with the GOP group.
There isn’t a single Nanny-Stater idea that Mike Bloomberg supports that I would want the GOP to copy in any way, shape or form.  The GOP had better get all this foolishness out of its system before they take over next year.  Unlike the punched up hippies on the left, the right is in no mood for nonsense.

WSJ Poll: Tea Parties Gather Steam

The Wall Street Journal has a new poll out today showing some very interesting statistics for the Tea Party movement.
WSJ: In the survey, 71% of Republicans described themselves as tea-party supporters, saying they had a favorable image of the movement or hoped tea- party candidates would do well in the Nov. 2 elections.
The poll found that tea-party supporters make up one-third of the voters most likely to cast ballots in November's midterm elections. This showed the movement "isn't a small little segment, but it is a huge part of what's driving 2010," Mr. Hart said.
The tea party is a major driver of the so-called enthusiasm gap, with three-quarters of supporters saying they are intensely interested in the election.
For the GOP, these statistics must give the establishment pause. Not only do the Tea Parties have numerical strength within the GOP, they are clearly the driving force of enthusiasm within the party.  The message for the GOP is clear; Hippy Punch the Tea Parties and you WILL draw back a nub.

With Tea Partiers making up one-third of voters, the Democrats may want to rethink their fantasy that the Tea Parties are a fringe group.

The WSJ poll also gives us a peek at the 2012 line up.
The movement's greater strength within the party could be significant beyond 2010, as the party looks toward choosing a nominee in 2012 to challenge Mr. Obama.
One beneficiary could be former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who is viewed positively by about two-thirds of tea-party supporters, making her more popular in the movement than other potential presidential candidates included in the new survey.
Slight majorities of tea-party supporters also feel positively about former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Just four in 10 feel positively about former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Like I said in the post about Palin’s Iowa speech, she holds two cards for 2012.  She can outright run to win the nomination or she can run to shape the nomination. Just looking at these numbers, Mitt Romney is going to have to remake himself into Reagan on steroids just to have a shot against Palin and Huckabee.
Via: Hot Air

Remembering Pope John Paul I

On this day thirty-two years ago, just thirty-three days after becoming pope, Papa Luciani, known as John Paul I, unexpectedly passed in his sleep. One observer said of his brief pontificate "God knew we needed a smile." Indeed, anyone who remembers Papa Luciani remembers his lovely smile and his touching humility, his gentleness, and simplicity. My heart fills with joy to hear his gentle voice. If Jesus spoke English with an Italian accent this how I think He would speak to me because He knows it would melt my stone cold heart.

He wrote a prayer that I recite sometimes on Thursday evenings in preparation for Fridays: "I am asking you a grace, my Lord. I would like you to be nearby me when I close my eyes on the earth. I would like you to hold my hand in yours, as a mother with her child in the hour of danger. Thank you, my Lord."

Papa Luciani, gentle shepherd, pray for us.

Rahm Emanuel likely resign White House Chief of Staff position by Friday

ABC News: Although no final decision has been made because of family considerations, ABC News has learned that White House officials are preparing for Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to announce on Friday -- as Congress adjourns for recess -- that he is leaving his post to explore a run for mayor of Chicago.
White House officials expect that President Obama will also name an interim chief of staff, perhaps senior adviser Pete Rouse, at the announcement.
Sources close to Emanuel cautioned that he has yet to pull that last trigger on the decision.
Emanuel's likely departure is not a surprise; his mayoral aspirations are well known.
Longtime Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley's announcement earlier this month that he would not seek reelection created the opportunity that Emanuel has long been seeking.
This is a little surprising that Rahm is going to leave before midterm elections, so much for loyalty to the president.  Rahm is clearly going for his dream, Obama be damn.  Perhaps this is why so many in the base are not too fond of Rahm.
That brings me to the next thought, so many people on the left blame Rahm Emanuel for Obama’s failure; will these lefty then come out and support Rahm for Chicago mayor?  Something tells me that Rahm is going to have one heck of a primary fight on his hands.  Maybe that is why he needs to leave early.

Joe Biden takes up Hippie Punching, tells base “Stop Whining”

It looks like Joe Biden is getting into the Hippie Punching game.
Jake Tapper, Political Punch: At a fundraiser in Manchester, NH, today, Vice President Biden urged Democrats to "remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This President has done an incredible job. He’s kept his promises."
The remarks, made to roughly 200 top Democratic activists and donors, recall comments President Obama made last week to “griping and groaning Democrats…Folks: wake up. This is not some academic exercise. As Joe Biden put it, Don’t compare us to the Almighty, compare us to the alternative.”
The Vice President said that "every one of these (races) is winnable" if the candidates draw clear distinctions between themselves and their GOP opponents.
Acknowledging that voters are angry, the Veep said, "You take it out on those who are in office…They should be able to be angry with us. If we make this a referendum on the current state of affairs, we lose, and so that’s why we’ve got to make this a choice."
Obviously Joe Biden has not sat down with David Axelrod lately.  Had he did he would have known that talk like this is starting to get under the skin of the liberal base.  Biden’s argument is a classic one employed by both right and left party establishment.   Basically, the argument goes, yeah we suck, but look the other guys suck worse; therefore you should just be quiet about any of your party’s shortcomings.
If the left ‘s base is growing tired of all this Hippie Punching, then perhaps it is time they started brewing a little tea party of their own. Otherwise they are going to on the receiving end of a whole lot of Hippie Punching come November.

MSNBC? What’s that? Poll: Only 12% rely on MSNBC for their news

Every time I have been subjected to watching MSNBC News, I have always said to myself; "who the hell can watch this crap"?  Today, I get my answer, not many.
Politico: More people are getting their news about the upcoming election from cable television than any other source, and from Fox News more than any other cable channel, according to a POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground Poll released Monday.
The poll found that 81 percent of those polled get their news about the midterm elections from cable channels, like Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or their websites, compared with 71 percent from national network news channels, such as ABC, NBC or CBS, and their websites.Among cable news channels, Fox was the clear winner, with 42 percent of respondents saying it is their main source, compared with 30 percent who cited CNN and 12 percent who rely on MSNBC. 
The most delicious part of the poll is when pollsters asked about cable news and talk radio personalities
Fox’s opinionated personalities were also rated as having the greatest positive impact on the political debate in the country. Bill O’Reilly was rated as having, by far, the greatest positive impact, with 49 percent of respondents rating him positively, and 32 percent negatively.Glenn Beck was the second most-positively rated personality, with 38 percent of respondents saying he had a positive impact, and 32 percent saying he had a negative impact.[...]
Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh was the third-most-positively ranked, with 36 percent saying he has a positive impact on the discourse, but his negatives far outweighed his positives, with 52 percent saying he has a negative impact.
MSNBC’s personalities were largely ranked as unknown by respondents: 70 percent said they had never heard of Ed Schultz, 55 percent said they had never heard of Rachel Maddow and 42 percent said they had never heard of Keith Olbermann.
[Snicker] Sorry, but I have to laugh over that one. Didn’t Ed Schultz just say the other day that he too could draw crowds like Glenn Beck?  Poor Ed, he may want to start with something less prodigious, like getting someone to watch his nightly ranting.  Otherwise, he could end up all by himself shouting on the Mall and everyone wonder who is that fat slob?
Read the Politico piece and check out the full results of the poll. Oh, and does anyone want to take a guess at what O'Reilly's Talking Point Memo will be about tonight ;-)

Segway owner Jimi Heselden dies in Segway accident

This is currently the top story on Memeorandum, file it under “ironic”.
UK Daily Mail: Jimi Heselden, the multi-millionaire owner of the Segway company, died in a freak accident when he rode one of the high-tech two-wheel machines off a cliff and into a river
A spokesman for West Yorkshire Police said today: 'Police were called at 11.40am yesterday to reports of a man in the River Wharfe, apparently having fallen from the cliffs above.
'A Segway-style vehicle was recovered. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
'At this time we do not believe the death to be suspicious.' 
Invesitgators are probing whether there was a fault with his particular machine or it was driver error. 
What a very sad way to go, indeed.  I remember the great fanfare when the Segway was being launched.  We were told they would revolutionize transportation.  To date, I think I may have seen less than 10 in real life. 

There is a fellow in my neighborhood who tears around on one at breakneck speed, I think I am going to print this article and hand it to him the next time he goes buzzing by.

Father, your will be done

Monday morning is always a good time to be reminded about life's meaning and purpose because it is the day most of us venture forth from home and hearth to engage the world once more. Many people, if not most, are filled with no little anxiety as they set out from home. In order to engage the world as Christians, we need to be prayerful so that all we do is at the service of God. I was reminded this morning that "prayer is not getting man's will done in heaven, but getting God' will done on earth." In that prayer that Jesus has placed on the lips of His Church, the Our Father, this is exactly what we ask God, our loving Father, when we pray "your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." I am happy to pray the prayer of the Kingdom twice daily and three times when I go to Mass and to pray it with the whole Church.

Prayer does not consist in pleading with God to overcome some divine indifference towards me. Rather, prayer is about me realizing how much the Father loves me. His interest in me is about bringing me to the end for which He made me, which is nothing other than Himself. Hence, I must use everything I experience to accomplish this end. It is a fact that God loves me too much to give me everything I ask for because God knows not only what I really need, but what I most deeply desire.

It is a nice thought, but a huge challenge, to pray always with Jesus' caveat, the one He introduced in His prayer in the garden, just before His passion began- "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done" (Luke 22:42). This is what de Cassuade meant when he wrote about abandonment to Divine providence! It is after Jesus abandons Himself, entrusting Himself wholly to the Father, that "there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him" (Luke 22:43).

If the point and purpose of Christian life is to deny myself and to "take up [my] cross daily and follow [Jesus]," then I must pray as He prayed in order to live as He teaches me to live by word and example, not just to the point of laying down His life for me, but taking up it up again (Luke 9:23). So, each day I am confronted with the paradox: "For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it" (Luke 9:24). I will have many opportunities today to live this way. The psalm response we sing each Good Friday is echoing in my mind this morning: "Father, I put my life in your hands."

My dear friend, Sharon, posting over on Clarity, quoted Fr. Massimo Camisasca to the effect that "[e]ros is love as passionate desire for a good that is lacking. Eros is desire striving for what is missing. Ever since God created man, one can say that eros entered into God. He feels in Himself a nostalgia for our return to Him, He longs passionately for the response of our love."

Video: Gangsta Government

Hat tip to The Last Tradition for pointing this out to me.  From the previous conservative raps (see here and here) I have seen lately, this one is just so-so.  I think the lyrics are far better than the video.
The Last Tradition: Rightside News reports that a new 5-minute music video entitled'Gangsta Government Rap' is beginning to sweep the Internet, appearing to be well on its way to becoming viral. In the first 48-hours since it was posted on YouTube, the video has received over 20,000 views. It has been prominently featured on the websites of The Fox Nation, The Washington Examiner and The American Spectator. Hundreds of Facebook posts and Twitter tweets have been logged encouraging people to watch the video.
The video's title was inspired by a 2009 column by Michael Barone in which he referred to the federal government as 'Gangster Government.' The video catalogs the federal government's efforts to impose an unpopular radical agenda on the American people.

The video was written and produced by Minnesota Majority, a non-profit government watchdog group

The group is concerned about the apparent corruption and abuse of power in today's federal government.

The rap is performed by Gregory Van Leer (a.k.a. The Infidel). He has recorded a number of rap songs with a conservative message, including "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder." He is working on his first album and is currently seeking a distributor.

"We wanted to find a creative way to convey our message and reach a new audience," said Jeff Davis, president of Minnesota Majority. "We think this video will help us accomplish that mission."

Dick Durbin sidesteps endorsing Rahm Emanuel for Chicago Mayor

If I were Rahm Emanuel, I would seriously reconsider running for Chicago Mayor.  From what I have repeated read on lefty blogs, many on the left blame Rahm for Obama’s shortcomings.  It looks like Dick Durbin is hedging his bets against a lefty backlash.

Take this as yet another preview of the Great Dem on Dem fight that will come after November.

Video h/t: Fire Dog Lake