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Gallup: Only blacks still believe in Obama?

Gallup’s latest poll out today shows that among blacks Obama has a high approval rating:
LA Times: The good news for President Obama is his popular support among blacks is holding steady at 91%.
The bad news is no other group of potential voters likes him that much.[...]
Democrats (79%) and liberals (75%) still like Obama a lot.
But after that, his approval percentage goes to the deep south. Support among even young people is down: 57%. Hispanics: 55%. Moderates: 54%. Unmarrieds: 53%. Easterners: 52%. Women: 47%. Midwesterners and Westerners: 45%.
Men: 43%. Southerners: 41%. Independents: 40%. Marrieds: 39%. Seniors: 38%. Whites: 36%. Conservatives: 23%.
Does this mean that blacks are still susceptible to the Hope and Change Kool Aid?  I don’t think so.  Blacks are not falling for the Kool Aid any more than whites or other minorities.  Whenever I discuss politics with other blacks, they complain about the exact same things everyone else does (jobs, Washington’s spending spree, the economy, etc).

What I think is going on with these numbers is racial pride or racial solidarity. Many blacks voted for Obama simply because he was black. So many blacks I know who voted for Obama could not tell you anything substantial about the policies Obama was pushing. Instead they often gave assertions about “it was time for a change”. Because so many of their votes were based on racial pride and solidarity, they do not want to Obama fail. They will stick with Obama no matter how bad his policies are for the nation or the black community itself.

I feel a little sorry for these brothers and sisters.  They allowed themselves to get swept up in the dream of electing the first black president. Throughout all the excitement, they neglected to make sure Obama was truly the right man for the job.