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Strike Three! Romney won't sign abortion pledge

Politico: Five Republican presidential candidates have signed a pledge to advance the anti-abortion movement if elected to the White House, but the current front runner for the 2012 GOP nomination — Mitt Romney — isn’t one of them.
Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum each signed the pledge, sponsored by Susan B. Anthony List, vowing to nominate judges and appoint executive branch officials who are opposed to abortion. The pledge also commit signers to push legislation to end all taxpayer funding of abortion and to sign a law to “protect unborn children who are capable of feeling pain from abortion.”
Mitt Romney, who’s leading in national and early state opinion polls, declined to sign.
“Governor Romney pledged in the last campaign that he would be a pro-life president and of course he pledges it today,” said spokeswoman Andrea Saul in a statement. “However, this well-intentioned effort has some potentially unforeseen consequences and he does not feel he could in good conscience sign it. Gov. Romney has been a strong supporter of the SBA List in the past and he looks forward to continue working with them to promote a culture of life.” [MORE]
First RomneyCare, then global warming and now this.  Mittens is working overtime not be a flip flopper this time around. Unfortunately, he is picking the wrong side of each issue. This tells me that Romney is confident about a few things.
  • He doesn't believe that conservatives will rally around a single candidate.
  • He believes that the right is so desperate to get Obama out of office they will turn a blind eye to everything.
I just don't understand how this guy is the front runner right now. Mitt has always been an integrity free guy. Making him our nominee because we think he can beat Obama is basically a crap shoot (I for one have little faith Romney could beat Obama when push comes to shove). If by chance he becomes president, there is really no telling where he will go. From his record, it is pretty clear that Romney will seek the path of least resistance. That my friends simply will not do in 2012.

Obama and the Dems passed nightmare legislation because they were willing to politically die for their convictions. Reversing their legislation and turning the ship of state around will require no less from the Republicans. This is why a wishy washy flip flopper like Romney might as well be another term of Obama.

Conservatives had better get their game plan together or watch everything accomplished by the TEA Party get railroaded by a weak Republican president named Romney.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: Politico